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1. General Disclaimer

The information contained on this website and within the Pooches at Play TV broadcast segments and/or other video segments published on this website and social media is provided by Pooches at Play Pty Ltd ABN 331 497 535 51 in good faith on the basis of information supplied to us by third parties and/or are the personal opinions of the article authors and contributors. To the best of Pooches at Play’s knowledge, the information is accurate and current, but Pooches at Play does not make any independent representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Pooches at Play disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Pooches at Play makes no warranty that this Site and associated broadcast &/or video content, any information or ideas contained on this website or any products or services will meet your requirements.  Refer to our Editorial Guidelines for further details regarding our editorial guidelines and complaints process.

Pooches at Play does not control other users of this website, the providers of information or ideas to this website or the suppliers of goods and services purchased from this website, and Pooches at Play is therefore not liable for their opinions or their behaviour, including any information or advice provided by them or any defamatory statements made by them or any offensive conduct on their part.

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4. Product Information

We will always attempt to be as accurate as possible with our product descriptions and pricing. Please refer to our Privacy Policy/Terms & Conditions for the products listed on the Product Pages in the Pooches at Play Shop.

However, we are unable to warrant that product descriptions or other content of the website or/ and within the Pooches at Play TV broadcast segments and/or other video segments is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error free as we rely on the information provided to us by third parties or opinions of third party reviewers, writers and producers.

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7. Definitions

In this Site:

  • “Pooches at Play” means Pooches at Play Pty Ltd ABN 331 497 535 51 and includes its directors, agents, and employees.
  • “Other Website” means websites of persons or entities other than Pooches at Play which are linked to.
  • “Site” means the whole or any part of the web pages located at www.poochesatplay.com
  • “Third Parties” means persons or entities represented on the Site other than Pooches at Play
  • “Third Party Posted Material” means posted statements, information relating to items or items offered for sale by third parties on some portions of this site.
  • “Content” means any software, data, information, pictures, graphics and other materials published or made available on the website, including all third party content and user generated content.
  • “Product” means the goods and / or services being offered by us and promoted through the Website or Affiliated Website.
  • “Product Information” means the specific information relating to a Product as set out on the Product Page.
  • “Product Page” means the relevant page of the Website or Affiliated Website on which a specific Product is promoted.

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