Series 1 – Episode 6

In Series 1 Episode 6 of Pooches at Play, dog trainer Lara Shannon finds out what it takes to train a drug detector dog, Gyton Grantley finds out how to keep your dog flea free naturally.

Dr Melissa Meehan talks us through some common household accidents and dogs and provides some first aid tips to help in emergencies, we find out what it’s like to become a professional dog walker and what food and supplements older dogs need to maintain their wellbeing.

Dog behaviourist Dr Robert Holmes discusses the role of instinct and whether it helps determine how our dogs behave and the types of interactive toys that can help tap into their play style and instinctual needs. We also meet instagram pooch star @SpencertheChow, radio personality Mel Greig and her Moodle Mia and also find out some great pet friendly places to stay around Australia.

Looking for more dog tips and fun facts?

Get your paws on Lara Shannon’s best selling books ‘Eat, Play, Love (your dog) and World of Dogs.

Available in Australia, USA, UK and Canada.