When it comes to grooming your dog, there are obviously going to be different recommendations depending on breed and their type of coat. So, to provide an expert grooming guide for dogs of all breeds, I spoke with PETstock Groomer, Dekota Doonan to get her advice for how to best care for them at home in between professional grooms.
Grooming guide for dogs with short, smooth coats
When we are talking about dogs with short, smooth coats we are talking about those like staffies, dachshunds and greyhounds, as just a few examples.
These short smooth coats require the least amount of grooming other than a quick brush a few times a week to remove any loose hair and dirt, and to keep their coat healthy by evenly distributing the natural oils.
These type of coats can shed a lot though, and all year round, as the hair continuously grows so that’s why you want to regularly brush them and use a soft to medium bristle brush and to be extra careful around their sensitive belly and thigh areas.
Some of these short haired breeds can also have a double coat such as the Pug, so a quick brush a few times a week will help to remove any loose hair and dirt, and to keep their coat healthy by evenly distributing the natural oils.
Grooming guide for dogs with short, but coarse coats
For dogs with short, coarse coats it is much the same as for those with smooth costs, except you’d probably go with the DGG slicker or silicone brush instead.
Many coarse haired dogs also have a double coat, so their undercoat needs to be removed regardless of whether they have long or short hair.
All double coated dog breeds need to have the under coat removed with a de-shedding tool a few times a week, and if they have a long, outer coat like Old English Sheepdogs or Border Collies for example, they should also be brushed every day to keep matts and knots out with a slicker or pin brush or comb.
For specific tips on grooming a dog with a double coat, click here.
Grooming guide for dogs with silky coats
Silky-coated dogs like the Shihtzus, Maltese and Silky terriers can have long or short hair. These guys need daily brushing with a DGG slicker or pin brush, or using a comb and detangling spray to work out any tangles so it doesn’t get matted.
If they have a short cut you’re then you can get away with a professional groom every two to three months, but if more than an inch is left by the groomer, you could be looking at needed a professional groom every 4 to 6 weeks to prevent matting and to keep them comfortable.
Grooming guide for dogs with wired-haired coats
A lot of people might not realise that wired-haired coats actually need some extra special attention when it comes to grooming their coat. Examples include the Irish Wolfhound, Scottish and West highland Terrier, even some Jack Russell Terriers.
Their bristly coat is pretty much always rough to the touch and they also have a double coat, so even if you brush them regularly with a normal brush that wire hair doesn’t naturally shed, so it actually requires a lot of maintenance beyond regular brushing. The strands actually need to be plucked out by hand or with a stripping knife to keep the coat healthy.
This can be time consuming and you also need to be careful so your dog doesn’t get uncomfortable, so a professional groomer is best for that. Make sure you ask for a groomer that is experienced with stripping a wire hair coat as it is not a common dog grooming service.
Grooming guide for dogs with curly coats
The Poodle and many of the other ‘oodles; out there, plus many other dogs breeds with tight spirals or soft curls tend to shed less, but the hair that is shed can get caught together, so they need regular brushing,.
You want to be brushing a few times a week and also use the DGG detangling spray and comb to brush out any tangles to help avoid the hair becoming matted and painful. These breeds do need regular professional grooms, ideally around every 6-8 weeks.
Grooming guide for dogs with no hair!
Hairless dog breeds can shed skin cells and oil builds up quickly. They can also be prone to skin problems so need extra care with regular bathing and sensitive skin shampoo. They also need to be protected from the sun, so you’ll need a pet safe sunscreen and a t-shirt is a good idea to help keep them covered in the Summer, while in Winter they will need a coat. The DGG Apparel range offers both.
What about washing your dog?
We don’t want to be over-washing our dogs, no matter what breed they are, as it can dry out their skin and cause irritations, so it’s generally around every 6-8 weeks for most dogs, unless they get particularly dirty or swim in the sea or river, or need extra bathing with a gentle shampoo or wipe like the hairless dogs may need at times.
To avoid over-washing, but to keep the skin and coats of all other dog breeds smelling nice and tangle free, you can always use the DGG 4 in 1 deodorising or conditioning spray in between washes.
Always make sure you choose a 100% natural, dog specific shampoo like those in the DGG range that suits your dog’s individual needs. Click HERE to find out more about choosing the right shampoo for your dog.
You can find them in your local pet specialty store, including PETstock, and online.
Lara Shannon is a certified dog behaviourist and trainer, pet food nutrition specialist, Executive Producer and Host of Pooches at Play on Channel 10 and editor of Poochesatplay.com. Lara also runs her own dog training business in Melbourne’s Bayside area and is the Author of World of Dogs and Eat, Play, Love Your Dog