PETstock puppy school – start them off right

Getting a new puppy can be both exciting and daunting. and can provide many challenges and a change of lifestyle for the whole family – which is where taking your puppy along to a reputable puppy school, with qualified trainers and small groups, can help.

Ask any new puppy owner and there’s probably been a few sleepless nights, some toileting accidents, chewed up toys, socks (or anything left laying around) and some hair pulling moments when the realisation of just how big a responsibility getting a new puppy actually is.

Why puppy school is important

That’s why focusing on positive reinforcement puppy training and socialisation by joining a reputable puppy school as soon as you bring them home is so important.

Particularly, as the first 16 weeks of a dog’s life is the most important developmental period for dogs as they start exploring and learning about the world around them, as well as learning all about other dogs.

In fact, pretty much everything that your puppy learns and experiences during this time will be permanently retained in their memory and can affect their reactions to, and behaviour with, other dogs, people and the world around them in the long term – either in a good or bad way.

Look for a reputable puppy school with qualified trainers

That’s why PETstock puppy preschools are specifically designed for dogs eight to sixteen weeks of age.

If a puppy misses out on the chance to have this genetic ‘opportunity’ to learn about these things at this age, it can lead to a life time of fear and possibly aggression, as they simply don’t understand how to interact with other dogs or people, or they may become fearful of the many everyday situations they may face.

PETstock Puppy School  is based on using a reward-based training method that teaches owners:

• How to communicate with your puppy or dog
• How to develop solid foundation obedience in all environments
• The importance of socialisation, mental and physical stimulation
• Ways to help curb any behavioural problems
• How to find the correct equipment for your dog
• And, the appropriate rewards to use to get the best results

Safety and small groups are important

It is also really important to be in a safe and secure place when training your puppy, so PETstock Puppy School’s provide a safe environment that can help you and your dog or puppy to thrive together under the guidance of their educated training team.

Other puppy resources

It’s important that you are prepared for a new puppy before you bring them home, and to also ensure you puppy proof your place, but it’s as equally important to socialise them as early as possible.

Here’s some tips for crate training your puppy, as well as toilet training.

To find out more about the PETstock Puppy School Program visit their website.

About the Author: Lara Shannon is a certified dog behaviourist and trainer, pet food nutrition specialist, Executive Producer and Host of Pooches at Play on Channel 10 and editor of Lara also runs her own dog training business in Melbourne’s Bayside area and is the Author of World of Dogs and Eat, Play, Love Your Dog

Looking for more dog tips and fun facts?

Get your paws on Lara Shannon’s best selling books ‘Eat, Play, Love (your dog) and World of Dogs.

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