
Visiting the pet-friendly Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains

There are two places within a couple hours of Sydney to head to with your dog, the Blue Mountains and Kangaroo Valley.

Both were hit by the January 2020 bushfires, then COVID-19 and, as with many local townships, they are in desperate need of a cash injection.

So apart from having a great time with your dog, you’ll be helping folks in need of a hand.

Where to stay with your dog in the Blue Mountains

For a weekend in the mountains, the best place to base yourself is in Leura or Katoomba. There’s plenty of pet friendly accommodation available, from AirBnB and caravan parks and lodges, to the beautiful Fairmont Resort with its special doggie rooms.  You’ve got plenty of options, whatever your budget and preferred style.

Things to do with your dog in the Blue Mountains

First stop at the top has to be the Echo Point lookout to see the famous Three Sisters. They’re an iconic part of the state and a symbol of the region.

From there, it’s all about enjoying the countless parks and gardens where you can walk with your pooch in a stunning mountain setting. There’s loads of cafes, weekend markets and great shopping too.

There is likely to be a few restrictions on many of the national park bushwalks and hikes, so you can always book your dog in for doggy daycare the Blue Mountains Pet Resort.

Be prepared for traveling with your dog

It is important to know the local Veterinary Clinics or Emergency centres are on your travels.  In the Blue Mountains, a good one to know about is Blue Mountains Animal Health.

Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are all up to date and you have a copy of the certificate as you will need it.  Ensure they are wearing an ID tag and their microchip is up to date.

Click here for our top tips on being prepared when traveling with your pooch or download our free pet-friendly travel guide here.


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