Spending Valentine’s Day with your dog?

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is coming around again and for many of us this means a day or night out with someone we love – a partner, the family, good  friends or, (we think even better), with your pooch. 

If you’re looking for a great pet-friendly option this Valentine’s Day then why not check out the Moonlight Cinemas and other outdoor events that allow you to take your pooch along.

The great thing about the Moonlight Cinemas is that you get to sit back on a picnic rug with food and wine, good company and a great flick! Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?

What’s more, you can bring your pooch to few of the Moonlight Cinemas around the country so we reakon there’s no better place to be this Valentine’s Day. 

In Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane dogs are welcome in all sections including premium areas, Gold Grass and the Connoisseur Lounge of the Moonlight Cinemas.   Visit www.moonlight.com.au to find out what’s showing in your state.

Pooch etiquette when heading to the Moonlight Cinemas.

Given there’ll be a hundred or so people at the movies with you, you will need to have your dog under control. A few things to consider would include making sure your pooch doesn’t bark, making sure you have the right toys/treats to keep him/her entertained and ensuring you have doggy bags, of course!

We suggest a big dog walk before the night so your pooch is tired during the movies.  We also suggest bringing some treats for them to reward good behaviour and finally make sure your pooch does his/her business away from fellow moviegoers –  no ones wants an unpleasant waft floating past whilst relaxing back watching a movie.

Another thing to consider is your dog’s personality. Does your dog have issues with strangers, do they have a tendency to get anxious, do they get stressed in crowds?

If your pooch is prone to anxiety around people and crowds then it is recommend to leave them at home in comfort. If your dog suffers from Separation Anxiety then here’s some tips to help deal with this issue.

On to puppies. To bring, or not to bring a puppy to the Moonlight Cinemas!  Are they happy around other humans, are they going to sit still so you can enjoy your movie experience, are you going to be able to control their behaviour considering they are still learning how to behave? These are all things to consider with puppies as well as ensuring they are up to date with their vaccinations should they come into contact with other dogs that aren’t.

From the team at Pooches HQ – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo Credit: @moonlightcinema

About the Author: Peta O’Brien is a member of the Pooches at Play marketing team. Having just graduated in Marketing at RMIT, Peta is loving working in an industry that she’s passionate about! She has two Jack Russells and loves taking them on adventures with her.

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